Why VRF is the future of the air conditioning market?

VRF technology ensures the circulation of only the minimum amount of refrigerant required at a given time, and provides individual climate control in the air conditioning zone.

The basic VRF system is one outdoor unit with one inverter compressor with VRF technology and several indoor units. The inverter compressor provides highly efficient cooling and heating under partial load. In some cases, several outdoor units are combined into one system, to which up to 60 or more indoor units can be connected. Compared to traditional chillers and air conditioning systems, VRF has advantages due to new technologies, such as individual room management.

The range of VRF applications continues to expand: from large commercial office buildings to small shops and even private homes. A compact outdoor unit can be installed where there is not enough space, and aesthetic indoor units can be a good addition to the design of your room. These are the benefits of the new VRF era. VRF systems also provide revolutionary benefits in the field of energy efficiency in the air conditioning market due to control in each individual room instead of cooling and heating the entire room. Thanks to the compact outdoor unit, mini-VRFs are becoming popular for shops in densely populated urban areas because they do not require much space for installation. Projects that previously used chillers can now use the VRF system as an alternative.

Today, when the pandemic lasts for more than a year, customers are paying more attention to technologies that can ensure the safety of human health and life. VRF air conditioning systems have evolved from providing comfortable temperatures to maintaining health and protecting human life. Indoor and fresh air purification functions are becoming especially important. Many manufacturers are launching research and product promotion in this area. To solve the ventilation problem, VRFs with air purification function are installed. Fresh air purification systems, which use general type heat exchangers, provide good indoor air quality (IAQ) with lower energy costs.

The recovery of the commercial air conditioning market, including VRF systems, is slower than the resumption of sales of household air conditioners. When the pandemic first began, the governments of many countries began to restrict the movement of the population and manufacturers began to use the online format of corporate customer relations. However, the use of these communication methods limits the attraction of new customers and the identification of new needs. In addition, attention should be paid to the general trend towards limiting carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, which can be used as business opportunities and to protect the environment. Although the global VRF market was severely affected by the pandemic in 2020-2021, in general, these systems have all the prerequisites for a rapid resumption of sales because VRF technology has unique technological advantages over its competitors in the market.

One of the manufacturers of VRF systems is the Haier brand. You can see the range of VRF systems from Haier by following the link.